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Prenatal Personal Training with Nalini Kokatay

Why Prenatal Training is Important:  


Pregnant women can and should train! Pregnancy, birth, and caring for babies requires tremendous energy, strength and stamina.  


Nalini has specialized in prenatal and postpartum training, and can safely help you stay strong (or become stronger!), while minimizing issues like pelvic floor dysfunction, (leaking pee, prolapse), back/SI joint pain, diastasis recti (abdominal separation), and more.

Pregnant Woman Practicing Yoga
Breathing Meditation

1. Get Stronger. Meeting you wherever you are at in your pregnancy, at your current level of fitness, we'll customize a program for your needs and goals.

2. Avoid or Minimize Issues common in pregnancy:  Relieve or avoid symptoms such as leaking, back pain, diastasic recti, pubic symphysis pain and more

3.  Learn techniques to manage stress, working with your nervous nervous system to support your overall physiology and the environment in which your baby is growing

4. Learn new movement patterns and Improve brain health and prevent future issues.

Nalini Kokatay  | Integralign

Prenatal Training Exercise Specialist  Santa Barbara, CA

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