Post Partum Personal Training
Santa Barbara, CA
Postpartum training with Nalini Kokatay
After delivery, many women are cleared for exercise at their 6 or 8 week check-up. But the reality is, most women are not ready to return to their pre-baby exercise regime. Our postpartum body will not be the same body we had before pregnancy, and special care needs to be taken to heal and strengthen it. There are many adaptations your body makes during pregnancy that often do not automatically go back to their non-pregnant state.
Based in Santa Barbara, Nalini Kokatay can help you start wherever you are at in your postpartum process, whether you had your baby two months ago or decades ago (because once you’re postpartum, you’re always postpartum and it’s never too late!) and safely and effectively strengthen your body so you can return to the activities you love.
“If you’ve had a baby and you don’t feel or look how you are used to, if you leak pee when you jump, sneeze, or cough, if you feel like your pelvic organs are falling out, or you feel like no matter what you do you can’t get your core strength back, I’ve been there too. I’ve spent the last decade deepening my understanding of pregnant and postpartum bodies, and I’m passionate about helping women feel like themselves again after all of the changes carrying, birthing, and caring for a baby bring.”
- Nalini Kokatay